Lets talk Minnesotan


At the close of our 5th day in minnesota I can say that this is a very fast paced trip. We are using every oppurtunity to experience as much as this area can offer. I am thrilled to have already seen 8 shows in this short amont of time. Two of my favorite would have to be Women's Minyan and M. Butterfly. Both of these plays showed a struggle within a culture and contained very distinct viewpoints that cause you to re-evaluate your own mindset and take on another.

One of the most interesting things about this trip is getting to see the different theatre spaces that are offered from having 100 seats to 1,000.

I also enjoyed the workshop we attended for M. Butterfly this morning. This was very insightful and helped me to further decide on the theory I would decide to research for my upcoming paper.

Tomorrow will be the last days of shows, which I am eager to see because I am not familiar with either. I am ready to make my play count go from 8 to 10.

Posted at 11:00 PM by Jerica Exum